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Design Book


Anthony Scafide took the death of his mother hard. The sadness, pain and sense of loss had broken his heart and spirit. He suffered with emotional pain for many months and prayed for ways to help him heal until one day he was strangely awoken and for unexplained reasons was drawn to his study and opened his desk drawer to find a letter from his mom that he never saw before.


After reading this letter, words and music entered his heart and mind. Anthony had always loved music and just before his retirement after 38 years from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, had started taking piano lessons and could plunk out a few popular melodies.

“Anthony, your songs

are just beautiful”


“Wow, amazing songs and very touching” Theresa

Well, as all artists do, he used his pain to fuel his untapped music creativity. He began to write some words, poetry, and some new melody ideas. After showing this to his piano teacher, James Stewart (  suggested that Anthony find someone to help make his music come to life.

As luck or fate would have it, he found Emmy award-winning composer & producer Rodney Whittenberg ( to produce and record the songs he had been musing over.


The first song to be completed was titled “Mom I’m missing You”, a song dedicated to his mother after her passing and is a soulful ballad that speaks directly to the heart. Rodney brought in master singer Derick Anthony Wilson to bring the words to life. The result was a musical representation of love, loss, pain, and healing. As Anthony began to share the music he formed, many people found it healing, restorative and emotionally moving. He began to revive requests to use the song at memorial and funeral services.

This site serves as a resource for anyone going through the same thing Anthony went through with the loss of his mom and dad. It is Anthony's gift to the world. His hope is that these songs help people remember and honor their loved ones, and that it eases the pain of grieving.

To read more about Anthony check out his autobiography Lessons From Life - Available Online

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“Anthony, I have known you for many years and have gotten to know your family.  Your songs show the love you had for your parents”


“Tony, you have such a talent to

create such. beautiful music that

touches everyone”


“Your songs are so beautifully written.


You and feel and hear all of the love in your songs”


“Tony, my wife was in the same memory care facility as your dad and I

remember you telling me that you are writing songs to help you heal.


I listened to them and I cried though all of them. The song about someone

suffering from an illness helped me deal with my pain more that your know.”


“Anthony, your song Mom I’m Missing You, had me in tears from the first few words”


“Yes, your songs tell a beautiful story that is amazing.

It’s all about family and loved ones”  


“I too lost a parent and was hurting very much.  Your songs helped me begin healing and I listen to them every morning as a start to my day”


“When I visit the grave sites I play your songs and it helps me during my visit as they heal my heart”


“Your songs helped me through my time of grieving”


“Beautiful songs, very emotional, very heartfelt, very touching”


“What a beautiful tribute to your parents.  I am sure these songs will be a great help to others going

through the same thing”


“When I lost my parents I started riding my bike in the mornings to help clear my thoughts.  Now when I ride I listed to your songs and they help me to deal with the sadness that is inside me.  Thank you for sharing and helping”


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